Cattle that enjoy our cattle feed in Oklahoma

Liquid Feeds Every Breed

Stress & Green Foliage

Pasture Gainers

Our pasture gainer cattle feeds are for cows & stockers. We offer a 20% protein with a 5% to 8% fat. ​

Ruma-Zyme Probiotics +  ™® 

Intensive Care Feed supplement is fortified with Ruma-Zyme Probiotics + ™®, a probiotic, enzyme & vitamin product which stimulates rumen function by increasing the population of friendly bacteria. 

(580) 430-6006

There are multiple benefits reported from beef cow producers with continuous use of Ruma-Lic Feed & Ruma-Zyme Probiotics + ™® 

North America is home to some of the best cattle in the world. 

Over the last five decades, cattle have been scientifically bred to have smaller calves at birth, grow faster and finish earlier on less feed. The maximum performance we require from these breeds causes more stress and increases the possibilities of major health problems. These problems are greatly reduced when the nutritional gaps are filled with liquid feed supplements from Ruma-Lic Liquid Feed. The Probiotic, Ruma-Zyme Probiotics + ™® stands alone in quality & performance. The combination of Ruma-Lic Liquid Feed & Ruma-Zyme Probiotics + ™® will increase your bottom line.

REMEMBER: Good record keeping and solid management practices will reflect an increase in profitability with Ruma-Zyme Probiotics + ™® & Ruma-lic  Liquid                               Feed in your program.